jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

Honestly my blogging experience was a very interesting experience, it was a new way of learning english that I’ve never used before. It was fun and entertaining too! I honestly enjoyed it, because I could use my imagination and I could explore about topics related to my area. It also helped me to improve my english, of course, because I had to apply more vocabulary, learn new expression while I’m writing, por example. I also felt free to express my opinions about many topics and talk about my plans in the future.

I could talk and develop ideas about my career, It made me reflects on issues related. I could also talk about my favorite areas in psychology as neuropsychology, neurosciences, clinical psychology with children, and so on. We could interact with our classmates and with our teacher too, who gave us feedbacks constantly about our performances and supported us for a better learning, resolving doubts and helping us every time we need.

The main advantages are: this method of learning uses technology as a new way of teaching and learning, actually it helps us to improve our english very much, it’s a interactive, fun, dynamic and innovative method, it motivated me to participate in english class and kept me attentive about the topics we have to write about each week. Some of disvantages are, it takes too much time, sometimes we are very tired this moment of the day and it’s hard to think creatively hahaha (just kidding) well, another disvantage is, we have to be connected always even when you lose a class, because it’s continuously evaluated, sometimes the topics are not so diverse and it gets boring sometimes. But despite of every distavantages I evaluate the blogging experience positively, I liked it and I suggest this method has to keep being applied.

sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

Education kills creativity!

This video is about a conference made by Kim Robinson who sets up the importance of creativity and how tradition education undermines it. He shows his interesting about education and how this topic is one of those that goes deep with people like religion, money and things like those.

He emphasizes children capacity of innovation and how many children have tremendous talents. He talks about the importance of creativity saying that it has to be taken in the same status as education. Another thing that he says is children are not afraid of being wrong, which doesn’t mean creativity is the same as being wrong, he means, if you don’t take the change you may never come up with nothing original, that’s why we should be prepared to be wrong. The thing is, children start losing this capacity when they grow up because education system sees the mistake like the worst thing you can make.

He talks about the hierarchy of subjects at schools which is the same all over the world, mathematic and languages, then humanities and the bottom are the arts and within the arts there’s a hierarchy too, normally music and art are given high status than drama and dance. But then he wonders, why dance is less teached than mathematics? The body has to be considered as the head is considered in education.

In this regard, public education seems to be focused on producing "university professors" who are disembodied and who live in their heads. This is because public education responds to the needs of industrialism. He says that we need to rethink our concept of intelligence, because this is diverse, dynamic, and distinct.

Finally he says he believes that our only hope for the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology where we can reconstitute the conception of the richness of the human capacity and rethink the principles which the education of our children are based on, and above all thing we should take as a responsibility making children develop their precious gift of imagination.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Clinical Psychology

Well, I like all subjects of my career, it’s hard to choose one of them, but I can say that my favourite one is Clinical Psychology and is teached by a group of teachers who are experts on this area, they are psychologists and psiquiatrists. This discipline is responsible for doing research about all the factors, assessment, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention concerning mental health, but not restricted to mental disorders, but all conditions that may cause discomfort and suffering on a person. I like it because that’s what I want to do in the future. This subject shows as how important is to know about how to work in a clinic and how to deal with patients. We’ve learnt about function of the clinical psychologist, legal and ethic aspects, psychology in the ambit of heath and educational institutions, preventive and therapeutic interventions and so on. Personally, I’m keen on children psychology and I’ve been able to learn more about it. I love it!!