jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Clinical neuropsychology and rehabilitation!

I use to visit many websites, because I’m interested in several topics related with my career. I’m quiet nerd sometimes, I know hahaha. One of the topics that I like most is cognitive neuroscience, especifically clinical neuropsychology which is the science that studies how the brain works, basically studies superior cortex functions or also called cognitive functions(memory, atention, concentration, perception, language, movements, emotions, etc) evaluation and its rehabilition after a traumatic fact, tumor, encephalic accidents or any kind of brain injury and how to manage pacients with those problems.

The link is the following http://www.neuropsicologiayrehabilitacion.net/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=21

I found this site one day when I was searching for information about rehabilitation techniques and about brain damages. I visit this site everytime I want to read new things about rehabilitation, the web site it’s about clinical psychology and neuropsychology and is a medical web that provides us more information about neurologic and psychological problem. Very interesting, I love it!

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Jenny!!

    Wow it is a hard area of psychology, but I think that it's very interesting... and it isn't nerd!! =P

    Thanks for the information


  2. Hi!

    First, thank you for comment in my blog.

    This post is very interesting, mhhh interesting for you! beacause this area of psychology is veryyyyyyyyyy hard for me!

    goog luck

  3. Jenny, Hello
    First, I like you find what you like about psychology, unfortunately not many people do this.
    Secondly, for that ... you are a ñoña!


  4. i didn`t know this website but I check this page soon. I find it very interesting.

  5. Dear student
    Some suggestions
    -" ..related to.."
    -" it is a medical.."
