viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

Travelling in time (and dreams)

First of all I would like to be happy and satisfied with myself and with my achievements in professional area. I will still be very young and probably I will be studying, perhaps doing my specialization in other country… that’s what I would like to do sometimes.
Personally, I don’t know… actually I must confess that I’m quite scare about future, I’d like to be with my boyfriend until then, maybe living with him!! hehe and getting independence from my parents hehe. I will be a children psychologist (I believe! unless I decided to change my career) I will love what I was doing… above all things I will feel that I found my vocation in life.
My ideal future is with my family healthy, living with my boyfriend (happily together, of course), working in Teletón, travelling every year, doing researches and getting fun (of courseeeeee…), I mean happy, fulfilled and learning every day about how to fight in this world and how to be a better person and how to make this world a better place.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

Aleksandr Romanovich Luria

In my opinion there’re many important people in my field, it’s hard to say or choose one of them.
Whatever, as it’s known, I like physiological psychology and I can’t not to mention Aleksandr Romanovich Luria. He was born in Russia and he was an intellectual who conducted important research in the field of general psychology, special education, psychogenetic, ethnopsychology, psychophysiology and psycholinguistics. I think he’s the best because he gathers all the element of psychology that I like most… he has contributed to the development of psychology in many ways.
One of his contributions is in the area of neuropsychology; he’s the father of it. He worked with brain injured soldiers from the World War II and he bases his studies on damaged cortical functions, that is to say, language, attention, memory, executive functions, perception, literacy and numeracy.
He studies symptons, localitation of cortex functions, diagnosis… I believe he did a great job! He’s such a genius!

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My career, my future...

I’m a psychology student, I study this because when I was younger I started to be interested in this area when I had the subject of philosofy at school, I thought it was an amazing area where you can do many things, but above all things I was interested in helping people to deal with theirs problems and helping them to have a good mental health.
In society we can be agents of changes in many levels, I mean, educational level, communitary level, and helping people to get a better quality of life.
The main tools that we must to have are the ability to contact with the other person deeply, it means, being emphatic, tolerant, comprehensive, impartial, frustration tolerant (you CAN'T save the world, even when you want it from the bottom of your soul), good listener, patient and to know when or how to talk, and one important ability is being strong and not so sensitive, because there’s a cruel reality outside where we will intervene and deal with.
My favorite subject is clinical psychology I like that area, I’m keen on health area and making therapeutic interventions, also I like clinical neuropsychology which treates neurological patients .
I’d would like to work with handicapped children and with their parents helping them in the rehabilitation process either in adaptation process to desease or neurorehabilitation in fact.