jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

MMR vaccine and autism

There has been concern about a likely link between combined measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (the MMR vaccine) and autism. A research done in 1998 proves the relation between being vaccinated with the MMR vaccine and bowels problems that might cause a new kind of autism. Anyway, the researchers said that their studies could not prove any such link. The research was not representative, it was done with only 12 children and it was criticized by other experts. But the results were published and many parents decided not to give their children the MMR vaccine.
Actually the scientists involved in the research have retracted about linking MMR vaccine and autism.
It’s hard to say that vaccine is completely safe, many vaccinated people get sick, but we cannot necessary relate vaccine with their sickness. To prove it is necessary to do a type of research called randomized controlled trial, in those kind of research some children would get the vaccine and some would not. Other types of studies have provided reliable evidence about the MMR vaccine and autism those are cohort studies and case-control studies.
There have been a lot of researches on the MMR vaccine and autism and there’s no evidence of a link between both. Unvaccinated children are just as likely as vaccinated children to have autism and the increase in autism did not start at the same time as MMR vaccination started.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Jenny!

    That's interesting news!
    Hope it is not certain the relationship between the vaccine and autism.

